There is a tremendous amount of information available on scholarships. Start your search early and contact the financial aid office at the UW campus you're considering attending for help answering any questions.
Start Searching
Successfully locating, applying for, and receiving a scholarship will require time, energy, and patience. Begin your search early and well in advance of any application deadlines. You do not need to wait until your senior year to start looking or applying for scholarships.
Start at the local level. Listings of community scholarships are often available in high school guidance offices. Students with special talent in art, music, athletics, or a particular academic area should speak with their appropriate teacher or coach about possible scholarships with professional organizations they or their family belong to or are affiliated with. Scouting organizations, labor temples, religious organizations, ethnic clubs, or civic groups may have a scholarship competition or fund. Check with employers: in some instances, employees or children of employees can apply to private companies or organizations for scholarships.
Searches for a Fee
Many companies promise to provide lists of scholarships for a fee. In some cases, you are paying for just a list of possible scholarships: some of which may be obsolete, impossible to locate, or limited to applicants who have very specific academic or personal characteristics. Or you may be paying for information that is available at no cost from your financial aid office or the Department of Education. Students and parents are encouraged to read the Federal Trade Commission's warning on scholarship scams.
Free Searches
Each of the following sites allow you to search for possible scholarships based on personal information. Once a posted application is complete, you can search for scholarships using different criteria.
Information Resources
While you’re searching for scholarships, contact the financial aid office at the campus you’re considering attending. Your campus may have a separate application that must be completed before you can be considered for a campus-based scholarship.
For more information about local and national resources to help you make decisions about financial aid, taxes and more click on the link below.
Start Searching
Successfully locating, applying for, and receiving a scholarship will require time, energy, and patience. Begin your search early and well in advance of any application deadlines. You do not need to wait until your senior year to start looking or applying for scholarships.
Start at the local level. Listings of community scholarships are often available in high school guidance offices. Students with special talent in art, music, athletics, or a particular academic area should speak with their appropriate teacher or coach about possible scholarships with professional organizations they or their family belong to or are affiliated with. Scouting organizations, labor temples, religious organizations, ethnic clubs, or civic groups may have a scholarship competition or fund. Check with employers: in some instances, employees or children of employees can apply to private companies or organizations for scholarships.
Searches for a Fee
Many companies promise to provide lists of scholarships for a fee. In some cases, you are paying for just a list of possible scholarships: some of which may be obsolete, impossible to locate, or limited to applicants who have very specific academic or personal characteristics. Or you may be paying for information that is available at no cost from your financial aid office or the Department of Education. Students and parents are encouraged to read the Federal Trade Commission's warning on scholarship scams.
Free Searches
Each of the following sites allow you to search for possible scholarships based on personal information. Once a posted application is complete, you can search for scholarships using different criteria.
- College Express offers a searchable database that has over 200,000 available scholarships. The search is performed in two comprehensive scholarship database
- CollegeBoard enables students to match their educational goals with internships, scholarships, and loans. It offers a wide variety of facts and tips to aid students when planning for college.
- Fast Web (Financial Aid Search through the Web) is a database of more than 270,000 scholarships, fellowships, grants, and loans
- The database is available to undergraduate and graduate students.
Information Resources
While you’re searching for scholarships, contact the financial aid office at the campus you’re considering attending. Your campus may have a separate application that must be completed before you can be considered for a campus-based scholarship.
For more information about local and national resources to help you make decisions about financial aid, taxes and more click on the link below.